China Post Tracking
In recent years, the number of requests for how to track a parcel from China has increased significantly. This is due to the huge popularity of products from the Aliexpress platform. What they don’t order there: clothes, textiles, household appliances, accessories, shoes, toys and much, much more. Such popularity is due to the low price of goods and quite good quality, and sellers often make discounts and send small souvenirs as a gift. If you are an avid customer of Aliexpress, then you probably already know all the ways to track packages. If you are faced with a similar problem for the first time, we will tell you what to do.
Features of tracking goods from China
The principle of shopping in foreign online stores is quite simple: you add the things you like to the basket, confirm the order, pay for it. In exchange, the seller sends a track number by which you can track the delivery of goods. Mail tracking of mail from China Aliexpress performs on two options for track codes:
international format EMS (13-character combination of the following plan: two latin letters + 1 digits + two latin letters);
Local format track number (usually consists of 11-15 characters, tracked only when they are in China).
The nuance is that sellers of many positions want to save on delivery services, assigning parcels that do not exist. On the one hand, this is in the hands of the buyer, because you don’t have to pay extra money for registration, but in this case there is a rather big risk of not getting the goods at all. If you entered an identifier on the official website or tracking service, and the package is not tracked, you can do the following:
check after a while, as order processing can sometimes take from 1 to 3 weeks;
contact the seller, specify his number and through which mail service the dispatch was made;
monitor the period of protection of buyers, and in case of non-receipt of goods open a dispute.
One way or another, tracking items on the China Post official website is quite problematic. Information is displayed in national or English, and even the current ability to automatically translate a page does not always save the situation. Tracking mail by identifier China Post, like others, performs online, indicating where a particular package is currently located. But it is much more convenient to use the Russian-language service that provides parcel tracking services.
How to track any departure from China and not only on TrackGO.com?
We offer an excellent alternative to package tracking on ChinaPost - TrackGO.com service. We quickly search for international shipments from China and many other countries. Moreover, the site is completely in Russian, it is simple and convenient to use.
Other benefits include:
prompt delivery of results (you just need to enter a unique number in the corresponding column, click "track", and within 1-2 minutes the status of the parcel will be displayed on the screen);
wide database (you can track the process of delivery of goods from 205 postal services located in different parts of the world);
bonuses for registered users.
If you have any order sent via China Post, tracking of mail in Russian using TrackGO.ru will help you quickly find out the latest information about its location. Sign up faster to appreciate all the advantages of our service and always be aware of where the long-awaited orders from Aliexpress and other sites are located.
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